1. Reduce food waste by ensuring better regulation to to stop food waste on an industrial scale and by building more infrastructure to collect food waste and turn it into renewable energy and compost.
2 . Invest in retrofitting, upgrading, and adding sustainable electricity to as many homes and businesses as possible, with the goal of keeping costs low for as many people as possible.
3. Increase the rate at which renewable energy and storage capacity are added to the power supply/ grid.
4. Incorporate new cycling rights-of-way
5. Enable infrastructure to increase the market share of electric cars to 100% of light vehicles and 75% of trucks by 2030.
6. Steel and cement production should emit no more than half as much carbon dioxide as they do now by the year 2030.
7. Help the world move away from fossil fuels and toward a future without them by moving knowledge and resources to growing industries with high-value-added prospects, like the carbon-fibre industry, which is growing quickly.
8. Increase production of important minerals and serve as a model for the kind of mining that is responsible, good for the environment, and fair to people. This kind of mining is important for a strong economy.
9. Develop Regulation for reducing electronic waste by creating uniform standards such as a uniform standard for charging cables. Create an industry around repairs and circular economy.
10. Low-till farming methods should be implemented on all farmland by 2030.
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